Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bloggy Weekend!

Wow- you can tell I'm just hanging around the house today- I'm blogging like crazy!
Here's my favorite comic from today's paper. I'm not as much of a comic fan as I used to be, because I think the quality of the Sunday funnies has gone way down and most aren't even FUNNY anymore.
But this one gave me a good chuckle...I'm still laughing at it.
Enjoy. :)


Anonymous said...

Lol! I'll bet your Dad likes that one! Thanks!

Amy Covey said...


A couple random comments:
-Chris' theory on why Britney shaved her head: lice.
-Jenna and I watched an entire infomerical on Bare Minerals make up the other day and I'm totally curious now. Do you really love it? Is it as good as the commercial makes it seem? Can you only get it online/mail order? How do you know what colors/products to get?

Jill said...

Because I'm too lazy to look up an email address, I'll write a non-related comment on here for you Lori! Since all other cousins are accounted for in blog land, I wanted to see how Lisa is doing! Is she doing well right now? Just wanted to check in on the non-blogging cousin.

Anonymous said...

Lisa is a blog lurker. She won't admit it, but she reads it. She should pop in and say HI. :)
She's doing well. Bored, but good.

Amy- we talked about that at work today, the lice theory, and also noticed that k-fed has a freshly shaved head as well.....hmmmm.....

Yes, Bare Minerals IS as great as the informercial says!! It's fabulous. I'll e-mail you details.


Jill said...

Did you see Britney checked in and out of another rehab again today? What is wrong with her? What's even more pathetic though is, why do I care?? Why do I find myself reading articles on her at work today instead of preparing for 12 weeks of a substitute??