Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Monkey see, Monkey do.

I woke up to a National Geographic special about gorillas this morning. I think I might like to have a pet monkey. I'm still working out logistics of it all...can you take a monkey to Panera for lunch? Or to the mall? I mean, if you can take your dog to the mall (and around here you can!), why not a monkey?

And think about this: you could take a monkey on a walk, but save money on a leash, because it would just hold your hand, or ride on your shoulder.

You can dress a monkey up, and buy it new clothes. And with no hassle of putting money away for a college fund, there's more money for monkey clothes!

A monkey is smart, and you can communicate with it via sign language, yet still kennel it when you want to go on vacation. (unless you're going to the jungle, in which case, it's just common courtesy to take your monkey along. Or a banana factory.)

Monkeys eat anything, so no trips to PetSmart for monkey food. Just pick up an extra head of lettuce at Kroger and the monkey's good to go!

If we start running low on cash, we could always train a monkey to work a street fair juggling plastic bowling pins or something.

No day care needed: We'd just turn the spare room into a jungle gym and tile the walls, and we're good to go.

Heck, we could probably even train a monkey to let Cissi out at night!!!

And if we had a monkey, I'd definitely buy Joe a yellow hat.


Jill said...

You know, I always wanted a pet monkey - seriously! And now we are so into monkeys in our house (especially ones named george who are a bit curious), so i'd fully support it! i'm just wondering how cissi would feel about the whole monkey thing... Marc just bought luke a shirt today with monkeys that said "monkey see, monkey do, monkey get in trouble too". i've heard they smell. that could be the down side.

Anonymous said...

With your piano ability, I'm sure you could learn the accordion very quickly! And, if you pretended to be blind, you'd probably make even more $$. Tax free, too. Unfortunately, the pet monkey just reminds me too much of Michael Jackson. He gave primates a bad rep.

Anonymous said...

Back to the monkey. Jill's probably right. That's why we sang, "You look like a monkey, and you smell like one, too."

Anonymous said...

hmmm ... Did you know that when I was "in my youth", I really thought it would be great to have a pet monkey?! I was probably influenced by frequent viewings of Tarzan and Jane movies. MOM

Brenda said...

didn't you ever see on the news those people who had pet monkeys that lived in a monkey park. they brought one a birthday cake and were having a party...the other one got jealous and chewed the couple up...i believe it ate the man's privates and the woman's face. i think one of them lost a thumb too. i would not recommend a monkey. ever considered children?

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

This is great! Once, I was sitting at a gas station and looked into the car next to me and there was a little monkey dressed up in overalls! He was really cute, but then I thought of Outbreak, and was slightly disturbed...

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Barb would be in hog heaven if she could have had a pet monkey who was trained to ride her horse (Buttercup, I'm guessing) while Barb did rope tricks.

Anonymous said...

My first reaction was "OK, a monkey???" but then I started thinking--you could train it to do the laundry, sweep up, etc at the salon. Don't know if it could get a license to actually shampoo or not--maybe mix color?? Just thoughts. Aunt Jenni

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

Can I get one of those monkeys to wash my hair and do a better job of getting all of the shampoo out?!?!?!