Friday, September 21, 2007

So we're down to about 6 weeks to go until baby time. Now might be a good time to think about a name for baby-boy-LaValley: so far, nothing. We spent the evening browsing name lists online, and pretty much nothing has jumped out at us. We have a list of names we like, but none we love.

My shower was last weekend, and it was great, got a lot of fabulous gifts, lots of people came, good food, good cake, good times. I'll put some pictures on here eventually.
I've been not able to update this as much as I'd like lately; apparantly, if you don't update your virus protection for a year and half (like I did...well, didn't do...on my work computer) you'll mess up your computer and not be able to use the internet, or any other program on it.
So I can only update when I get my hands on the laptop, which isn't that often. Apparently Joe taking graduate courses is more important than me blogging. Who knew?


Jill said...

I've been patiently waiting for shower and belly photos! You sound like us last year - no boy names. We never did have one we loved. We didn't officially name Mia until she was about 4 hours old, so it's ok not to have the name yet!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'm on it. No suggestions off the top of my head, other than the obvious - Gordon. Davis would work, too. Lehman? Please don't take the one Kyle's saving: Homer Sudsy. Of course, with Kyle, that might be for a girl. I'll get back to you.

Jill said...

Wow, I so don't cast my vote for "homer sudsy"... no offense to Kyle.

Amy Covey said...

Tell Joe that blogging definitely wins out over graduate work when it comes to the laptop.'s probably a little hard to post shower photos when they haven't been sent to you yet, huh?? This weekend...I PROMISE!

Brenda said...

We had two great boys' names...but had two girls. so I will them to you. Following the tradition of Scott, we were going to go by their middle names. The first names were after my dad and his grandpa.
William Cody Elliott
Charles Cooper Elliott

Brenda said...

Oh yeah, I always love the name "Elliott" but obviously is a little much with the last name Elliott. You can call him Eli.