Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Party, Take 1.

Sunday was the kickoff of the holiday season, the Davis/Lehman/Gordon party...we missed Kyle and the Coveys this year (and the Texans, of course!) The white elephant exchange was fun, especially once people got into the stealing of gifts; my favorite part was when Rylee stole a game from her own mother! She really got into the "spirit" of the game! Thanks to everyone for driving down to our house for the afternoon-- we had a lot of fun.
Joe and I have one more day of work tomorrow, then we're both home for the rest of the week, and we can't wait for the much-needed break.
Here's Jessica and I and her OSU gift from the exchange:Quinn, looking less than happy with the bow on his head
Joe, first to open a gift in the exchange (it's a waffle maker; we plan on using it quite a bit over break. YUM!)
The "cookers".


Anonymous said...

Wow, Facebook and a blog! Those are good pix, and we had a very nice time. Enjoy all the stay at home time!

Jill said...

Thanks for the mention of me, even if I was added in parenthesis! Miss those get togethers... **sigh** And poor Quinn in that photo. He looks depressed.