Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow Day

There's another snow day today, which doesn't affect me, (it's my day off anyway), but it did make a long weekend for Joe, so he's happy. I'm so ready for the cold weather to be done and spring to get here. I'd really like to go outside and take Quinn for a walk (and probably the dog would like that too-- poor neglected Cissi).

What's new here.....big news of the week: I bought my prom dress. It's so amazing, I can't even show pictures ahead of time. If you thought last year was good, wait until you see this year! All I'll say is this: Karen Carpenter meets Marsha Brady in YELLOW! Hideous. Perfectly hideous. I'm really trying to get up in the on-stage 'best' dressed contest this year. I am having a slight shoe dilemma though....I'll have to cruise back through the goodwill again for footwear.

And as an added bonus, I found a roll-top desk at the goodwill in decent condition. I've been looking for one for a while and they're hard to come by, unless you want to pay a few hundred for one, which I don't. So anyway, I have a new desk which I will pick up this weekend, which means I don't have to use a TV tray as a desk anymore!
A few photos from the past week:
Quinn helping me get ready to go to dinner at Los Mariachi's, my new favorite Mexican place

trying out the bumbo seat for the first time

and totally abandoning any sort of boundaries the back positioner is supposed to give him


Sara said...

We've been thinking about getting Tucker a bumbo seat...what does Quinn think of his?

Amy Covey said...

We had a 2 hour delay, but no cancellation. I would have loved a long weekend...but definitely don't want to make up any more days! Can't wait to see your prom dress. Good luck finding shoes to complete your look. Love the photo of Quinn helping you get ready. It looks like your use of the baby sling is much more successful than my one failed attempt (just ask Brenda!).

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

I love the picture of Quinn sleeping. Too cute! And thank you so much for the picture of him. He's a sweet valentine =)

Anonymous said...

Your prom dress cries out for yellow dyed-to-match shoes! MOM

Brenda said...

actually was thinking of white pumps for shoes if you don't want yellow died...white pumps were very eighties adn probably easier to find...maybe you can make a clip on bow out of similar fabric? sadly, i know that tip because mom did it for me and my dress...and it was fabulous then.

Anonymous said...

i like the white pump idea w/ the bow.....

Anonymous said...

I like the outfit in the bumbo. did that come with mittens, or do they just happen to coordinate?

~Lori said...

No, the mittens go with EVERY outfit. He loves them. He has 3 pair and we rotate them daily.