Sunday, November 30, 2008

early morning blogger

Why am I blogging at 5:25 am? Because it's better than internet shopping and there's nothing on TV. Quinn apparently likes to wake up at 3 am every single night for no real reason....usually he goes back to bed pretty fast, but not i've been up for 2+ hours and now that he's finallly sleepy.....I'm not. And I figure at this point, why go to sleep, i'll just stay up and get some things done when the sun comes up!
In all honesty I think I did fall asleep on the couch somewhere around 8 last night anyway, so it's not like I'm lacking sleep that much.
So I've spent the past hour or so perusing the internet. I've looked up the "official" white elephant gift exchange rules, checked my email, wasted time on facebook, looked up new recipes on the food network website (i found a yummy pumpkin version of paula deen's gooey butter cake that i think i'll be trying soon!); i learned how to make turducken....and pumpkin soup...
I did do a little "shopping" online, but stopped myself before hitting "purchase" on anything. Window shopping, I guess you could call it. I checked out the cool lantern candle warmer that Aunt Nancy had; I looked into the holiday specials at Sephora; I've read everyone's blogs and I still am not tired and I have an hour of battery power left on the laptop, so, I figured why not blog?
Aren't you glad I did?


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy morning. I think I got the pumpkin gooey cake recipe last year off TV but forgot about it. Thanks for reminding me. Also, can you call your shopping "Windows shopping". Aunt Jenni

Anonymous said...

Next time you are up that early, call me. I was up feeding Kinley. Talking on the phone would have kept me awake a lot better than watching a rerun of Full House!

~Lori said...

I feel special that you'd pick me over Uncle Jesse! :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm glad you did, even though it's taken me 4 days to read it. Personally, I'll just lay in bed until the alarm goes off, willing myself back to sleep.