Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Happy first birthday to Quinn!
I can't believe he's a year old already- this past year really has gone by fast. It's been so awesome to watch him grow and learn new things; he's especially learned a lot this past couple of months. He's running through the house, pushing whatever he can find as a walker- his prime choice is a laundry basket.
Quinn's also learned to climb. He's able to climb up onto the couch and our bed, up the stairs (but we keep the door closed to the stairway because he's too quick!) and on anything else he can find to climb on...he's a little monkey.
He's not walking on his own-- yet-- but I feel that's just around the corner too. He's saying quite a few words these days and responds to our questions with "yes" and "no" head nods. And he's learned to point: he'll point in the direction he's going to go, or to the person he wants to go to.
There's still just two teeth in Q's mouth, but that's not stopping him from eating lots of new foods. It's fun to let him try things off our plate and see his reaction to different tastes.

Today I'm off work so our plan is to just hang around the house and enjoy his birthday together, and when Joe gets home from work the three of us will have dinner together. Sunday is the great cake-smashing party day. I'll be sure to take lots of photos!


Julie said...

Happy First Birthday Quinn!

Anonymous said...

Happy First Birthday, Quinn! He is such a cutie. I hope you all enjoy the birthday celebrations. Can't wait to see how he's changed.

Amy Covey said...

Happy first birthday Quinn! I can't believe he is a year old already!!

Anonymous said...

YAY!> I'm glad you posted a pic today. I had conferences all night, but I am thinking of Q and you both today! Take a pic of him and his teddy bear!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday Quinn. I realized it was his birthday when I was subbing and we did the "calendar" but couldn't do anything about it. So here is a late wish. Aunt Jenni

Sara said...

Happy Birthday Quinn! Can you believe they are a year old already?! Where did the time go!?