Sunday, April 29, 2007


Last night was the Time Warp Prom. It was a lot of fun- We'll definitely be going back next year. And we all agreed it was so much more fun than our real proms! A lot of people arrived dressed in themes: we saw the Captain and Tenille, George Michael, Slash, and numerous Madonnas and John Travoltas. Here's a few highlights from the evening:

The salon girls: Tracie, Andi, Tonia, Me

Our friends (who don't work at the salon): Laura, Christina, Tina.
Actually, Tina works at the salon sometimes, she's our on-call receptionist.

Me, hanging out at Tracie's house, waiting to go.

Doing the Chicken Dance (and the table-chicken-dance)

Dancing to some fabulous 80's music!
Did you notice Laura's leggings?! Fabulous.

I took this from our table; you can see what a huge event this was. Our table was about a third of the way back from the dance floor, to give an idea of how may people were there. I was really suprised at what a big deal this is!


Anonymous said...

Obviously you all had a great time! Did you go to afterprom?

Anonymous said...

yeah: afterprom was a bowl of cocoa krispies on the couch while I watched The Soup with Joe and then I fell asleep. :) Pretty crazy, huh?

Anonymous said...

You look like extras from "The Wedding Singer"! Looks like it was fun, and that there was a shortage of men!

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said... This looks like pretty much my dream night. I am so jealous. However, I will say that leggings are totally in style here right now. I've even seen leg warmers. Yes.

Jill said...

Way cool... I am a little disapointed you didn't have the Payless white satin pumps dyed to match the magenta/red color in your dress. But great none the less.

Brenda said...

Those are great!!! Sadly, half the girls at my high school are wearing things like that daily in the hallway...80's are back! I am surprised you had the energy to get through the dance!