Sunday, April 08, 2007


Vacation was lovely, 85 and sunny all week. I got a little sun, we drove our car with the top down all week, I even got a mini-sunburn on my forehead...and then driving home, we drove back into this crap all over the place.
I am not happy with the weather.

Know who else I'm not happy with, "Hills" watchers? Heidi!
She's an idiot and Spencer is a punk.
And now we have to wait for next season to find out what happens? (Not that we don't already know: they'll break up and she'll want to move back in with Lauren, which will cause a fight btween her and Audrina....blah blah blah)

Anyway, back to vacation: it was so fun. I loved Savannah- I have a ton of pictures to share~ Maybe tomorrow I'll put some on here.
But for now, I have to get my lazy self up and get dressed so I can go over to mom and dad's for lunch and watch Rylee hunt Easter eggs in the snow.

Stay warm everyone!


Amy Covey said...

Isn't this weather AWFUL?!?! (Especially when you leave warm, sunny weather and come back to this. YUCK!) I agree - Heidi is pathetic and I cannot stand Spencer -He's definitely a player! What does she see in him?? He's not even good looking?

Enjoy your snowy, cold Easter. Brrrr....

Brenda said...

Heidi is such an idiot. I loved her coworkers shaking their heads in disgust at her. Spencer has a home-boy phone...what's up with that. You're WHITE and you live in LA and you're don't have HOMEBOYS!!! Did you see the after show live? WE all missed it. I think I will spend my snowy EAster looking for more info on the web!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good, warm trip. At least this awful weather makes going back to work easier. So you'd recommend Savannah for vacation? Can't wait to see the pix. Happy Easter!

Jill said...

the Hills... well, Amy, Brenda and I watched it together and I was so irritated that Heidi left. Doesn't she seem really unhappy to be moving in with bad-hair Spencer? I don't see any attraction to him. Yuck.