Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Vacation pictures

Here's my first installment of vacation photos, since I know you're all dying to see them. =)

This is the street outside our hotel in Charleston; the building at the end is the open market entrance. Fun shopping.

Kathy, Bob, and Joe outside a yummy restaurant we ate at. There's almost always a line outside to get in to eat the traditional "low country" food; another cool fact, Rachel Ray ate there. :)

Part of "Rainbow Row" where all the houses are different colors.

The next few are all in Tybee Island. It was nice; I would have liked to spend a little more time there. It was great to walk on the beach!!


A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

As a matter of fact, I AM dying to see them! It looks beautiful and sounds like y'all (I thre that in because I thought it might remind you of your vacation!) had a great time!

Anonymous said...

Looks beautiful, and what is that bright light in all the pix? Thanks for sharing!

Amy Covey said...

It looks beautiful. I drove through once and ate lunch there, but would love to go back. Were these all taken with your new PINK camera??? If so, it does a nice job.

Brenda said...

You need to read "Savannah Blues" by Mary Kay Andrews. It is hilarious and a great book that Jill and I just read...the old Savanna folks made fun of rainbow row and the guy lives on Tybee island. Thanks for the photos to put it all together now!