Monday, August 06, 2007

this week in photos

It's fair week in Urbana, and we live just blocks from the fairgrounds, so the air smells like cow poo, my 'short-cut' to work is off limits this week (I usually take the road by the fairgrounds to bypass all the stoplights) and I can hear the announcements in the grandstand in my backyard. Sunday night I got to enjoy a Phil Dirt and the Dozers concert. I know no one knows who they are, but here, they are celebrities. They're basically an oldies (50's and 60's) cover band. Last night was some lame contest about 4H girl of the year or something like that.
Tonight, for my listening pleasure, I get to enjoy the Oak Ridge Boys.

But enough about that. Onto the BIG news in town.......

MCDONALDS IS OPEN TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yes. They tore down the old McD's at the beginning of summer to give our town a new fancy-pants Mickey-D's, complete with not one, but TWO drive thru speakers! (Yet, only one pick up, do we really think the intellectuals of U-town are going to be able to figure THAT one out? Doubtful.) I took this photo at a stoplight this morning, but it doesn't really do justice to just how busy it was there. (Yes, the light was red when I stuck my head and camera out the window, mom.)

Onto other photos now.

Me, 27 weeks pregnant. Joe requested this one...he's been gone so long I think he's forgotten what I look like. I'm just going to say that me and the August heat are not getting along very well right now. It's not so bad at night but the other 18 hours of the day that I'm awake are not so good. I find myself wandering around Target, Kroger, the mall -really anywhere that is air conditioned- to pass the time and not have a heat stroke.
OK, really it's not that bad, I'm just spoiled and I don't like to sweat. And I'm really starting to miss my ankle bones.

This is Junior Special-Agent Tarquin's (the kid's got a lot of nicknames!) room, so far. There's a few minor details missing, such as a crib and changing table, but hey, who really needs those?

And some photos from Lake Erie last weekend. Grandma on the jet ski, Carsyn in the sand, and Peyton...I'm pretty sure she's in the process of throwing sand in Marcus' face. I hope I spelled all of those kids' names right.


Anonymous said...

You did good!! Only mistake is PAyton but I am impressed. What no picture of Marcus spitting out the sand? It was a fun day. Sure wish I was there for the fair. Sounds like a wonderful week. Aunt Jenni

A said...

So is the baby's name offically Tarquin then?

Anonymous said...

hahaha, no, no tarquin. that's just what we like to call him for now. :)

Jill said...

You're not going to post a chance for your relatives to name your baby like I did?? I love the flooring in the baby's soon to be room... wish I had them here. But I'll take my air conditioning over hard wood floors any day. You're looking good -maybe it's just the clothes (do you feel huge in some tops, and not in others? I always did.) but you look way bigger at 27 weeks than at 25 weeks. I"m sure you love hearing that. Are you feeling well, besides being hot?

Amy Covey said...

Fun photos! Try to stay cool. I'm sure the new McDonald's is air conditioned.

Just for the record, I do know who Phil Dirt and the Dozers are and have even been to one of their concerts. :)

~Lori said...

hm...maybe phil dirt is more internationally famous that i had realized?
and yeah, jill, some shirts i feel all cute and pregnant in, and others i just feel like a big ol' heiffer. maybe i should hang out in a barn at the fair.....

Anonymous said...

Phil Dirt used to (and probably still does) play in Mansfield a lot. We've heard it's a fun concert but never went. It was a happy day in my life when I never had to take the kids to the fair again. It was always incredibly hot, stinky, and expensive, not to mention all the questionable characters there. "Guinn's" room is looking good. Isn't that exciting?? How soon is Papa Joe coming home? I'll bet he's anxious to see you two.

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant "Quin", or maybe "Tarq".

Anonymous said...

Me again. I forgot to mention that I realy like the beach pix, and the one of G'ma on the jet ski is priceless! I hope you post a picture of me doing that when I'm 91.

Anonymous said...

Okay already, I have been patiently opening your blog daily only to find you are still stuck on the fair and McDs. It's time for new info, like how is Joe and how was Switzerland? Aunt Jenni