Monday, October 29, 2007

no update

Had another appointment today: no baby update. He's still in there, and doesn't want to come out. No big suprise there.
I have one last appointment next Monday, and then they'll schedule to induce after that.
Can time go any slowwwwwweeerrrrrrrrrrr??????????????

In the mean time, here's a picture of Joe and I from the Halloween party last weekend.


Anonymous said...

Cute costumes. I know it seems like time cannot go any slooooower but it will end. And this sounds like a typical Davis/Lehman baby--in there but not ready to come out. They don't seem to understand how great a family they are coming out to!! Aunt Jenni

Amy Covey said...

Fun costumes! I'm sending "go into labor" vibes your way!! :)

Jill said...

I feel your pain with the "no news" baby news. Although as hard as it was to wait a week over my due date, having Mia naturally rather than being induced like with Luke was SOOOOO much better!!

Anonymous said...

Wel, thanks for adding a picture, and the costumes are real cute and all, BUT...that's cheating. We want a profile! Quick, before it's too late!(She said hopefully.)

JH said...

How long did it take Joe to pick out that outfit?