Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Nothing New.

Not much to blog about, just checking in. Week 38 of pregnancy.....nothing to report. Have a killer rash, called PUPPP which apparantly I'm in the lucky 1% of pregnant women who get it. It's harmless, but itchy like you can't imagine!! Luckily for me, it seems to be fading away. It was on my stomach, arms and legs and feet, but now it's just from my knees to my feet, so it's definitely improving.
The doctor said it usually doesn't go away until after the baby is born, but for some reason, it's getting better, thank goodness. I don't think I could take two more weeks of itching!

We went to a Halloween party last weekend, and I have some pictures from it, but they aren't uploading right now, so I can't share them. Joe was a viking, I was a ghost. It turned into a karaoke party and it was definitely a ton of laughs!

Nothing else to report. I'll try to put pictures on here soon, hopefully it will work.


Jill said...

Good to hear from you! Wow, week 38! Almost there. What is your actual due date? Do you have a name for your blue baby??

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your rash is clearing up! (That doesn't sound too good.) I googled, and I'm sure you're glad to know it only occurs in 1st pregnancies. Of course, you may be the exception! Have you heard "The Mom Song"? If not, check it out on youtube. (All you bloggees will enjoy it, too.)

~Lori said...

I'm pretty sure he has a name now. We're 99% decided on it, but not saying, just in case something better comes up in the next week or so. :)

Amy Covey said...

I've never heard of that rash. It sounds miserable! Hopefully it continues to go away!