Monday, January 01, 2007

Call me Joan Rivers: Harsh critiques of last night's "entertainment"

So it's 2007 already! How did everyone say goodbye to 2006? Joe and I went out to dinner with mom, dad, and Grandma- good food, good company, good time! Then the 2 of us watched movies at home and watched the ball drop, and Dick Clark's Rockin'New Years Eve.
I just ate my yummy leftover prime rib from last night for lunch ,and watched yet another movie this morning. I think I'm catching up on a years' worth of DVDs this holiday season!
A few Rockin' Eve thoughts, for those of you who watched it:

1. Why don't they get better talent for the Times Square deal?
2. Dick Clark just made me sad. His wife was even sadder! (She makes me sing "greeeen acres!" Girl needs to tone it down a little.)
3. If *I* was going to "perform" on tv, on a major holiday show, I would probably practice my lip-sync skillz first. Rhianna sucks.
4.Yay to Natasha Bedingfield for actually singing, and singing well, at that!
5. Joe thinks Fergie looked pregnant. I said she probably just ate too many cookies.
6. What's with that Latin pop group?! It's as if the Spice Girls and Backstreet Boys collaborated, in Spanish! Pathetic. Yet, oddly catchy tunes....
7. WHY is Meatloaf allowed to still perform in public? Who likes him? To his credit he DID sing. He's one who should have lip-synced (lip-sanc? sync'd?) Anyway, the man can't sing on key to save his life, and he needs to back away from Punky Brewster, or whoever that girl was who was singing with him. He's got to be 3 times her age! He kept getting up in her face. Dirty old man... He makes Ryan Secrest and his fake teeth look good.

Other random thoughts:
.Google is too cute, they made the 'oogl' of google look like 2007. Awwww.....
.For anyone who thinks the Michigan mitten-map is funny, check out my friend Aaron's blog to see a funny, pitiful holiday card.
.I can't wait for good tv (new episodes)to come back! I'm in serious Grey's Anatomy withdrawal. Seriously. (heheheh)
.I wish I knew how to make my blogger font different colors. That would be cool.
.I am in serious need of a scrapbook day!!! Any takers?? I'll host...I promise to have heat this time! =)
.I didn't make a New Year's Resolution. Last year I resolved to learn to like shrimp, and I think I did fairly well. I can't eat it cold, but I can do grilled/seasoned shrimp.
.I'm off to check out some new songs on iTunes, and then watch more movies!!
.Happy 2007!


Hamrash said...
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Amy Covey said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Believe it or not, we didn't watch Dick Clark this year...we watched Carson Daly instead. He had some equally bad singing performances though.

I'm totally ready for a scrapping date (as long as you promise to have heat!!). I emailed Kara my free dates during bb season (there aren't many) so check with her and see if anything works out.

To change the color of text: when you are typing your blog entry, there should be a tool bar at the top. One of the symbols is a "T" with a box of little colored squares. Highlight the text you want to change colors, click on the "T" box, and choose your color. That should do the trick.

Jill said...

Well, down here in TX, the ball drops at 11:00, and we were barely up for that! Luke was asleep, I think mom and dad were too, (actually, mom was out as of 9:30!), and Marc and I flipped it on for 10 minutes at 11:00. Then we all fell asleep. We are the partiers down here! :) I will definitely agree on the meatloaf comment. He's just gross, and sounds awful, and I didn't even see him last night! Marc and I did celebrate early - movie and dinner. I'm up for a scrapbook date, but you'd all have to come to my house. Any time is good! As for a resolution, I'm making one that I can keep: I resolve to have a baby. That's it.

Anonymous said...

Well, you old farts! Sudsy and I went "dancing" (or aerobic workout, as he calls it)at Sawmill Creek and didn't get home until almost 2. They have a GREAT band that plays oldies. The lead singer (Dave C) is in the R&R Hall of Fame. He's sung w/ Elvis, Shirelles, GFOS (Godfather of Soul, the recently departed James Brown). Lots of fun, but we're both tired today.

Brenda said...

1. OK, another strange Brenda/Lori connection. I always wanted to love shrimp but never did. So I gave it one more shot in Galveston last spring and loved it. Now I eat it all the time!
2. Meatloaf is horrible and nasty and perverse too.
3. We went to bed at 10
4. I would love to scrap...just need a round trip airfare!
5. Is Nan the only one who actually celebrates this holiday???
6. Fergie sucks...her newest song is such a desperate pathetic copycat of "supersonic" from the late 80's...anyone remember? That song was awesome...Fergalicious is stupid.

Jill said...

Ok, glad to hear you make the supersonic connection too brenda! I have been wondering if anyone else thought it was the same, and the supersonic version is way cooler!