Sunday, May 27, 2007

Time to Blog

Hey Bloggerville! Our computer is still out, being fixed, so it's hard to go online these days. I'm out here blogging from mom's computer again- We just went to a graduation open house, and now I'm waiting for this storm to roll in. I can hear thunder in the seems like a good day to go home and do some laundry and read a book.
School's not out around here until next week: Joe has 2 make-up days, so he's done on Thursday. He's not doing any moth catching or anything this year, since his Switzerland trip is going to take up a good chunk of his summer. I think he's looking forward to a summer with no extra work.
I get a new summer schedule too. Next Friday is my last one to work, since one of my stylists is coming back from her maternity leave, so I can be off Fridays now! That's going to be so fun this summer. :) I'll take all the extra pool time I can get!! It's nice to be the boss, so I can let the other people go to work while I sit at the pool. :) hahaha
That's about it around here. Baby is doing well, 17 weeks now. I have an ultrasound appointment on June 19 to find out the answer to the big question, boy or girl?
I know I promised Nancy some belly photos, but really, I'm just too lazy to do that right now. There IS a belly to see though! Maybe when we go up to Amy's she can take a picture of me and do it for me. hah. =)
Time to go to the grocery store. Food is getting scarce around our house, and I'm almost out of Cocoa Krispies!!! (That's me and the baby's favorite food! It's a daily staple, sometimes twice a day.)
Happy holiday weekend!


Jill said...

Yay for the belly! As long as time permits, I should be going through maternity clothes the next day or two and picking out some of the better things. I won't bring everything because there isn't room, but there a few capris, dresses, and shirts I'm thinking will be your size and cute enough for a stylist.

Anonymous said...

So how was the trip? Buy anything good? Cocoa Krispies=chocolate=girl baby. When does Joe go to Switzerland and for how long?

Jill said...

I'm curious what this Switzerland trip is about... can you fill me in??

Amy Covey said...

Ahhh...can't wait to see your cute little baby belly. :) How fun to have Friday's off. We should schedule a "cousin" day for one of your Friday's. I'd even come swim with you if I had to. :)

I'm nosey too....when/why is Joe going to Switzerland??