Saturday, February 09, 2008


It's naptime for Quinn, and I need one too, but first I'm doing some catch up on blogs and emails and pictures, and possibly some new iTunes. But first, here's a semi-OK hair picture. This is at the end of the day, so it's all un-done and all, but you get the general idea. There's not a whole lot of pictures of me, since I'm usually behind the camera, so this will have to do for now.

In this picture, I'm laughing at Quinn, who has Cissi's tail in his hand. He's been grabbing things lately, and Cissi's tail is one of the new favorites, along with my hair, necklace, earrings, and glasses.


Anonymous said...

Trey grabs things a lot too-- and I've stopped wearing basically all jewelry as a result! Love the bangs! Quinn and Trey don't look as twin (whoa, trey + Quinn = Twin??) like as they used to. Hopefully Grandma won't confuse them...

Julie said...

I love the new picture of Quinn at the computer. That's so cute. You're soon to find out that jewelry is a thing of the past for you for a while if you value it. Bracelets snap on babies butts, babies pull on necklaces and earrings (ouch!) until you just give up and stop wearing them until they're out of this stage. I learned my lesson when Brenden said "hey mom, is that your necklace" amongst the cheese selection at the grocery store. Thanks Spencer for breaking that off my neck!

Anonymous said...

So where is the picture of you with bangs? Oh, that is you, thought it was Renee Z again. Looks good. As for the jewelry, that's the price you pay when you have children. The "Plain" life. But well worth it. Aunt Jenni

Anonymous said...

1.I like the bangs and the color. Wish I was brave enough to go auburn.
2.Of course, Q. looks cute. I hope Cissi isn't bothered by flatulence, though.
3.Thank you for being a true blue blogger, unless you're sick!

Anonymous said...

Almost forgot! Good job having Bruce play just as I got on your blog:)

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

Oh my goodness! Quinn looks huge! He's so cute and I also LOVE the bangs. That's definitely the style here, but I'm just not brave/hair savvy enough to do it!

Amy Covey said...

Love the bangs!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Nancy, once again, I definitely think you can pull off auburn. Go for it!!!

And Jessica- curly hair + bangs = no good. Glad you didn't join in that trend.

Trish: Trey/Quinn/"twin". Good one!

Anonymous said...

I love the hair. You pull the bangs off well, as if there was any doubt :) The color is my favorite though. You know how I love the reds!!!!
Quinn is of course cute too, just like his mama!

Brenda said...

OMG...Is that YOU, Lori, or your mom in thatpicture? look just like her!!!!! And love the red and bangs...mine is now brown with highlights again...changes every couple months.