Friday, February 09, 2007

Another Survey

I got this from my sister- I thought it was blog-worthy.

Name 3 things you would like to accomplish this year. paint my bedroom, organize the salon's back room, work my way through my huge stack of books to read!

If you were given a $50 bill and had to spend it immediately, what would you buy? dinner

Fill in the blank: I have never been able to make pink jello salad correctly!

What would you like to know more about? world news

If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? right now? For Joe and me to get over these colds!!!

What was your favorite thing that happened to you yesterday? I laughed all day yesterday at work! I love that.

What would you name your first/next child? Tarquin

If there was a National Holiday in your honor, what would it be and when? Probably my birthday- National Have Fun day. No moping around, everyone has to be in a good mood. :)

What is your life long dream? I'm already doing it.

If you were given an all expense paid vacation to the destination of your choice – where would you go? Fiji

Fill in the blank: When I dance, I look like I'm having way too much fun to care what I look like.

What is the longest word you can think of? osteoarthritis

What is your biggest regret? That when I was growing up I actually believed that it was uncool to hang out with your family...when in fact it's probably THE coolest thing! :)

What are you most proud of? My staff at work for being so awesome.

If you could have one super power, what would it be? I've always thought it would be cool to fly.

As a child, what was your favorite meal? Mac & cheese with hot dogs; Bread and gravy; Meatloaf

What is one thing you always wanted as a kid but never got? A trampoline, but I think I got over that when we got a pool. Oh, and!a hamster. (ew)

If you could start a new fad that was guaranteed to catch on, what would it be? ascots.

What one feature would you add to your current vehicle? heated seats!!!!

If you were given $1000 to spend in an electronics store, what would you buy? a new lap top computer for Joe

If you could own/operate your own store, what kind of store would it be? uhhhh....guess. No, really, since I already have the salon, if i could do another, it would be a coffee shopl

Fill in the blank: I would like to be known as the world’s greatest hairstylist to the stars

If you could a member of any TV sitcom family, which one would you join? Family Ties

If time and money were not a factor, what new hobby would you like to pursue? ballroom dancing

If you were chosen to be the spokesperson for a product, which product would you choose? Bare Minerals Makeup

If one song were to describe your life, what song would it be? Oh that's hard. Only one song???

If you could have only one food for the rest of your life (and your choice would not effect your health), what would you choose? school pizza!

If you woke up and the house was on fire, what three things would you save? Joe, Cissi, my pictures

If you could change one thing about your spouse/significant other, what would it be?That's not a very nice question. Maybe I'd give him a better immunity to those kids' colds so he wasn't sick so much!

If you could hear what someone was thinking for an entire day, who would you choose? The president


Jill said...

Tarquin! :) I remember that being your suggestion for my baby. Thanks for sharing those. I'll do mine when I have the energy to think up some good answers!

Anonymous said...

The one that caught my eye was Bare Minerals. I see those ads on the station that lists the programs. have you used it? The other one I wonder about is Victoria Principal's. Got any info on that?
Tarquin - Tarq: sounds like somebody on Real World.

Anonymous said...

Oops! Now I know who I was thinking about - Turk, from "Scrubs", although Tarq does sound similar. Right?

Anonymous said...

yes, I have used nothing but bare minerals for almost 2 years now! Seriously, I could do an infomercial on it, I love it so much! Everything they say on tv about it is true- definitely worth trying. ~Lori

Anonymous said...

Did you read the Shopaholic books Is that where Tarquin came from?? I thought maybe you would want to own a shoe/boot store. Aunt Jenni

Anonymous said...

Oops, forgot to add...I too would want heated seats. Jenni

Anonymous said...

I did read the shopaholics books, but that's not where Tarquin is from - it's some name Joe read in his history books and HE thinks is awesome.

Anonymous said...

I asked this on Jill's blog, too. Is Tarquin a boy or girl name?

Anonymous said...

I don't really know. I think Tarquin is a boy? Tarquin the Proud or something like that... who knows.
I think it's a good DOG name. =)

Jill said...

I've got the heated seats in my new car... bet some of you could use them today with that blizzard!