Monday, April 07, 2008

Weekend Update

We spent this past weekend in Cleveland for our friend Andrew's wedding. Joe was a groomsman, so we were there for the entire weekend of festivities. Friday afternoon, we checked into our hotel, did a quick-change and headed to the rehearsal and dinner. The dinner was at the Elyria Country Club (been there Nan?) and was very yummy. Andrew's mom really went all-out, with a fabulous dinner and cake, and homemade chocolates.

Here's Joe with Andrew, at the rehearsal dinner.
And Quinn with his new friend "Nona". I think she really may have taken him home with her if I had given her the chance!
The guys in their groomsmen gifts. Andrew got them all personalized jerseys (he had their names stitched on the back.)

Quinn stayed awake through the whole rehearsal dinner party so he crashed as soon as we left......and he slept through breakfast the next morning.

The wedding was great- Andrew and Jen are a very cute couple. She was smiley and giggly through the ceremony. It was adorable. We hadn't met Jen until this weekend, and I think she and Andrew are a good match, and she's great for him.

Joe, Dan, and Steve enjoying their dinner

Joe and I, at the reception
Joe with the bride.

Joe's parents were SO nice to come meet us at the hotel Saturday night to babysit while we went to the wedding. Here's Quinn and his Grandma at breakfast Sunday morning.Then on the way home, we stopped at the outlet mall in Lodi and did a little shopping. It was so nice to walk around and enjoy the sun! And Quinn loved it- he kicked his feet in the stroller the whole time.


Anonymous said...

Those are great pix. Sudsy's golfed and eaten at ECC, but I've never been invited, for some reason. What church is that? Looks like fun,and I like your hair.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the name of the church, but it's on the corner of Lake and Crocker in Bay Village. It was a really pretty church!
And thanks- I am enjoying my new 'do also!

A Fresh Wind Children's Ministry said...

I agree...I also like your hair. I'm thinking about bangs, but hair is a touchy subject here! I may wait until I'm back in America and can make a trip to see you at your salon =)
Also, Quinn is a stud. That's all I have to say.