Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'd rather be Rachel, not Martha.

I just cooked the most amazing dinner. And I cooked it in under 30 minutes, a la Rachel Ray. Yeah, I'm bragging about it, but it's so good! It's just stir fry pork w/ broccoli, and fried rice w/ eggs and onion, but this time I used this Asian stir fry sauce from Rothschilds (remember the sample we had, mom and Jessica?) and cooked the pork and broccoli in that. I'm eating my plate of food while Joe is checking in w/ the moth supervisor; he may have to eat peanut butter and jelly when he gets back at 10 (yes, we eat that late!) because I just might eat it all.

No, stir fry isn't the most exciting thing I did today, just the most recent, so it's fresh on my brain

Other, more exciting, things I've done this weekend:
1. Photographed a wedding.
2. Ate at the Gypsy Cafe
3. Went to Grandma's 85th b-day party.
All very fun!!!

By the way, the Gypsy Cafe has no affiliation w/ the Gypsy Moth.


Amy Covey said...

Rachel Ray is my idol! Jacob and I love her! Your stir fry sounds awesome (I'm highly impressed that you cooked tonite - we were LAZY!). Hope Joe enjoyed his PB and J. :)